Maverick director Ashutosh Gowariker, who has made acclaimed films in the past, is now all set to treat his audiences with yet another visual treat. The makers today released the trailer of Panipat which features Sanjay Dutt, Kriti Sanon & Arjun Kapoor in the lead roles. Amidst all praises, the team has today unveiled a new poster featuring the trio and the trailer digitally. The trailer showcases the Maratha empire and its epic tale. Panipat Trailer: Arjun Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt & Kriti Sanon’s Period Drama Is High On Action & Grandeur Right from the background score to picturesque locations and grandeur sets, everything is just on point. Arjun as the raging warrior, Kriti’s charm and Sanjay’s antagonistic avatar, this trailer is a complete package. Check out the trailer of one of the bravest battles ever fought here: Set in 1761, Panipat is about the Maratha Empire which had reached its zenith and their grip on Hindustan reigned supreme with no-one to challenge them...